
Clara | Pc/Quest

Clara | Pc/Quest


Get her cheaper on my payhip.

  • Body Toggles:
    - Skinshift from fair to dark
    - Eye color swap (Blue -> Pink (hueshiftable))
    - Radial Menu for Eyeshape (puppy eyes -> cat eyes)
    - Radial Menu for Lipsize (small -> big)
    - Different Skintexture (snow themed tattoo) on/off
    - Elfears on/off
  • Hair Toggles:
    - 14 different haircolours to choose from
    - Hair Emission Radial menu
    - Hairswap (Long Open Hair -> Bun)
  • Overall Hueshift
  • Accesory Toggles:
    - Choker on/off
    - Crown on/off
    - Garter on/off
    - Radial Menu to open Pendant (put in your own picture of a loved one! <3)
  • 3 Setup Prefabs for easy swapping (default outfit, dress outfit, undies)
  • Individual Outfit Toggles:
    - Shoes: Heels, Boots, Point Shoes, Socks on/off
    - Undies on/off
    - Cardigan on/off,
    - Dress on/off
    - 7 Outfit colors to choose from ( you can hueshift them all! )

  • Vrlabs Marker
  • Big Snowglobe to dance in
  • Packaging for a plastic doll to pose in
  • GoGo Locomotion with custom emotes & poses
  • Snowy particle handtrails
  • Particle Snow
  • Particle Fog
  • Bubblegum bubble that can be popped by you and others!
  • Custom Facegestures and Handgestures that mimic index gestures
  • Physbone Interactions!
    - Noseboop-> heart emission in eyes, Headpat -> shy face & heart particles, Grab breasts or butt-> aroused face, Poke the eyes-> they close slightly & mad face, Holding hands with Eric -> Snow starts falling!!!

    Uses unity 2019.4.31f1, has vrcsdk3, the Clara unitypackage, a readme with uploadinformation and PoiyomiToon 7.3.050 included.
    Package is clean to make uploading and editing super easy!

Please read the "read me" file included! It includes the upload information.

Snow globe is a toggle! Its a Word constraint that you can put down anywhere you stand

Heels & Socks: Nauuki#5353
Croptop & Choker (discontinued): sleepy#0707
Cardigan: moobean#8827
Head: Sugs#9795/Zinpia (edited by khihani)
Tiara: Birdy#9565
Skirt & Sleeves: rinebean#1111
Dress: .Kanna - rakastan sinua#9999
Base: Pandaabear#9873
Hair: sleepy#0707 & bunisu#4924
Rings: Aika#6666
Boots: Gashina#1960
GoGo locomotion: franada#0001
Textures: kri#1214, Maddiiee#7341, Sicky, Cicieaaa#7777 & Ying#6669
Tools used (not included): Dps, Prefabs generated by Av3Creator, Dps Setup by Fluffs Toolbox, Avatars-3.0-Manager
Garter: berryvee#0697
Underwear: Alc#0002
Bubblegum: cakie#7777
Necklace & Pendant, Snowglobe, Packaging, Icons etc: khihani#3550
Particles: bunky#0001 & ALEXIS70#3069
Showcased by lovely people like: Kiwi Kawaii, K I N G P O M, Cupio, Rin Hanakotoba and Jewel <3

All assets are bought or aquired with the right commercial license a nd you are not allowed to use anything of this avatar whatsoever.

-Do NOT leak/share/Pricesplit my package (Not even sharing so someone else can upload for you)
-Do NOT purchase from me if you know nothing about unity or dont have a pc
-Do NOT upload my work to filesharing websites/piracy websites etc.
-Do NOT claim it as yours.
-Do NOT make the model nor your edits of this model public
-You can NOT take parts for your own personal or commercial models! my avatars are not an assetmine! (No textures, animations, material settings, assets, base/head edits, NOTHING)
-I am NOT held accountable for any future game updates that may break the avatar nor am I accountable to fix all issues they may cause (i will try my best to help tho).
-No refunds! If you chargeback & don’t fix this issue, you will get a ban from my server & reported to gumroad/paypal.
-You are NOT allowed to make any kind of content in my avatars without crediting me. Not on Instagram, not on Tiktok, not Twitter not Facebook or any kind of social media. Message me beforehand to hear my conditions.
-You can NOT make any kind of profit off of my avatars, neither using them as showcase material for textures, nor streaming etc. This requires an extra license that you have to contact me for.
-You can NOT import any of my models to other games than vrchat


- While Clara is Questcompatible, her Partner ERIC is not. Please dont ask Elcaelia to convert it.
- If you move your leg too high in full body, the leg will clip through the dresses skirt
- The Questversion is missing features that the Pc version has. I tried to keep as many of the toggles as i can.

This product is not currently for sale.
Skinned Meshes
Ingame size
Particle Systems
Physbone Transforms
Questversion included
Physbone Components
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