Danea | Pc/Quest/GoGo
- Hairstyles: Long Wavy Hair, Pigtails, Messy Bun, Short Hair, Long Braids
- Haircolor radial
- Hueshift radial
- Hair Emission radial
- Butterfly strands
- More Glitter!
- White Lashes & Brows
- Smooth Skinshift
- Tattoo Shift (No Tattoo - Black Tattoo - Colored Tattoo)
- Hueshift for Tattoo, Nails & Eyeshadow
- "Upper Chest" slider
- Nailswap
- Bigger Lips
- Thicker Eyebrows
- Eye Texture Swap
- Eye Hueshift
- "Whiskers"
- Everything can be mixed and matched and toggled on and off!
- Premade Presets: Default, Sleepy, Dance, Casual, Summer Vibes
- Tops: Jacket, Butterfly Top, Corset Top, Bikini Top, Bralette, PJ Sweater, Short- & Longsleeve Dress, Sleeves
- Bottoms: Bikini, Skirt, Panties, PJ Pants, Shorts
- Accessories: Butterfly Sleepmask on Face or Head, Glasses, Collar, Garter, Rings, Earrings, Ankle-, Shoulder- & Wristchain, Necklace
- Footwear: Heels, Open Flat Shoes, Heels, Barefoot, Thighhighs
- Customization: Outfit Hueshift, Metal swap (Gold-Silver), Pants Textureswap, Footwear Textureswap, Thighhigh Textureswap, Thighhigh Opacity, Jacketcolor, Jacket Sleeve Color, Shorter Jacketsleeve (for asl)
- Vrlabs Marker
- Avatar Brightness Adjust slider
- Wiggly fox plush
- Butterfly Particles
- Butterfly Fans
- Catfollower (White, Orange Tabby, Black, Calico)
- Beanbag world dropĀ
- Butterfly Wings
- Wing Puppet
- Wingsize radial
- Butterfly Ears
- Antennas
- Fox Ears
- Fox Tail
- Fox Tails Idle toggle
- Elfears
Other Details and Quality of Life Features:
- Seamless Neck to Body Connection
- GoGo Loco with additional Emotes & Poses
- Pc & Questversion
- Clean and easy to upload unitysetup
- Custom Icons
- "Special Shader" Setup
- Combogesture Setup with tons of custom facial gestures
- Physbone interactions: Headpat, Noseboop, Bellring for the Collar, Eyepoke, Antenna pull
- Base (RP): Zinpia
- Head: Sleepy (edited by Khihani)
- Pigtails, Messybun, Long Hair, Shorthair & Braids: Saikura, Nessy
- Butterfly Hairpieces: yuuriii
- GoGo locomotion: franada#0001
- Fox Ears & Tail: NIKKIEPNG
- Thighhighs & Garter: Skeletib
- Rings: Rya#9214
- Necklace & Earrings: whatanott / thelairofseo
- Nails & Bikini: miriloo/HoneyLab
- Choker & open shoes: sleepyvrc
- Sneaker: Hayweee
- Wings: suikakanna & smol_uni
- Butterfly top: wen.3d
- Fans: hanee_BEE
- PJ Set & Jacket: dumpling
- Butterfly Ears: sophanator
- Clothing Set 1: Lolo#5454
- Clothing Set 2: foolyz
- Beanbag: Kisustar
- Butterfly Particle: xxuebi
- Shoulder & Wristchain: Aantara
- Dress: Aika#6666 / aikavr
- Fox Plushie: Gmsbox
- Tattoos: Frenchies#0046
- "Special Shader" Setup: wholesome & VrcFury
- Glasses: me.weeb#2389
- Follower: Beartrap#0321 & hfcred
- Marker & World Constraint: Vrlabs
- Icons: created with icongen by hai
- Prefabs: created with Av3Creator by rafa
- Poses & Emotes: bellerina#0001, SAM#6069, Staysea
- Textures: Cicieaaa, Lunanyxia, ying.vr & yang.vr
- Showcase: clikk, irisalura, elcaelia, hypersexual
- Antennas, Sleepingmask, Nailtexture: Khihani
All assets are bought or aquired with the right commercial license a not you are not allowed to use anything of this avatar whatsoever.
Uses unity 2022.3.6f1 and the vrchat creator companion
Danea's unitypackage, a readme with uploadinformation and the used PoiyomiToon included.
Package is clean to make uploading super easy!
Please read the "UPLOADINFORMATION" file included!
includes Danea By Khihani, Uploadinformation & Shader